
Brii is back (and better than ever)


I’m back.

I haven’t written here in over a year. Nearly a year and a half. A long time.

Back in January 2016, I wrote about how 2015 had been a year. Sometimes I think I jinx myself by categorising events as the most challenging ever™ because 2016 was even more of ~a year~ than 2015.

I’ve changed so much in the past months that when I looked back at pictures from my 20th birthday in October I felt like I was looking at a child version of myself. I know she is me, but she is completely different now. When I read back my journals from a year ago I feel as if I am reading something another girl has written. It’s surreal.


The last few months have killed me, but I think (hope) I am being resurrected.

Regardless, I’m back. At least, that is the plan. I don’t exactly know what form or schedule this will take, but I want somewhere to put the pages and pages of word vomit that currently inhabit a folder on my computer titled “personal writing”.

I don’t entirely know what else to say without starting on a completely new topic. So I’ll leave it here.

(Now the internal screeching of self-doubt will start up so I’m going to go drink some tea and complain in my journal)

All my love,



By Britts Amelia

24. Ex-dancer. Jesus Feminist. Very bad at autobiographies, apparently. Studies brains and science.

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